Adding Custom Commands like 'Clear Screen' In Irb

Adding Custom Commands like 'Clear Screen' In Irb


2 min read

"Hey, fellow Ruby enthusiasts! Want to sprinkle some magic into your Ruby Interactive Ruby Shell (IRB)? Let's explore custom commands that'll personalize your IRB sessions and make Ruby exploration more enchanting!"

Q: How can we make Ruby IRB more magical?

A: By using custom commands! These gems of code add colorful greetings and dynamic interactions, making your IRB experience more lively and engaging.

Q: Why are custom commands essential for IRB?

A: They transform your IRB environment into a personalized playground. Imagine colorful greetings and real-time interactions; that's what these commands bring to the table!

Q: How do we implement these magical commands?

A: Let's dive into the code and explore step by step.

def colorize_text(text, color_code)

def time_greeting(username)
  current_time =
  greeting = case current_time.hour
             when 0..11
               colorize_text("Good morning", 32) # 32 represents green color
             when 12..17
               colorize_text("Good afternoon", 33) # 33 represents yellow color
               colorize_text("Good evening", 34) # 34 represents blue color

  system_name_message = "Hey #{username}"
  puts "#{system_name_message}! #{greeting}! It's #{current_time.strftime('%I:%M %p')} Happy exploring the Ruby world!"

def r
  username = ENV['USER']

The code consists of custom functions (colorize_text, time_greeting, and r) designed to enhance your IRB experience by providing personalized greetings based on the time of day.

  1. colorize_text function:

    • Adds color to text based on the provided color code.
  2. time_greeting function:

    • Generates a personalized greeting based on the current time of day.
  3. r function:

    • Reloads the IRB environment and delivers a personalized greeting using time_greeting.

You can directly add on .irbrc in in you home directory "cd ~"


To use these commands in every IRB session, add them to your .irbrc file:

# Example command to add these functions to .irbrc file
echo -e "YOUR_CODE_HERE" >> ~/.irbrc

"Transform your Ruby IRB with custom greetings! Explore how these commands add a touch of magic to your coding sessions. Let's make your Ruby exploration more vibrant! #Ruby #IRB #CustomCommands"

#Ruby #IRB #CustomCommands #RubyMagic #CodingTips

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